Got an idea for an activity or event in your neighbourhood?

We recognise and celebrate the skills and experiences older people have to offer, and we can support you in using these skills to benefit your community by developing local activities and events. Contact us today and let us know what you have in mind.

Maybe you'd like to form a neighbourhood walking group, morning coffee group, a light exercise class, or need help setting up a regular tea dance? We can help!

Get in touch

Smiling man

Tell us your story

How have we helped you? Let us know about the positive impact Haringey Circle membership has had on your life. We could share your story or a personal quote on our website.

Share your story

Caring hands

Do you have an idea that would help lonely or isolated over 50s in Haringey?

Share your idea with us and make a difference for everyone.

Get in touch

Men laughing

Volunteer with us

Could you provide friendly chat and peer support to someone over 50 in Haringey? Maybe you'd like to help us host our activities and events?

Find out more